Helping A Friend

If you are in trouble or need advice, who is the first person that you turn to? The most common answer for teens are their friends and peers. Friends and peers are the first to know if a friend is having trouble at home or school and many times are the first to know and/or recognize the signs of suicidal thoughts. Due to this, it is important for teens to understand what to do if a friend is in such a situation.

3 steps you can do to help a friend in need:


NOTE: the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline has a new phone number which is 988, called the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

  1. Show you care – Listen without judging or giving advice. Talk about suicide and the situation seriously. Stay calm, and if possible, stay with your friend.

  2. Ask about Suicide – Ask directly about suicide. Don’t fear that you might be giving them ideas, you need to know if they have even thought about it.

  3. Get Help – Take action as soon as possible. Identify and ask a trusted adult. Call a crisis line. Offer help or hope for a friend in any way that you can.

Do’s and Don’ts of Helping a Friend

  • Do listen to them.

  • Do help them find support, such as therapy, and support them through that journey.

  • Do take care of yourself. Set boudnaries and practice self-care.

  • Do learn about depression and suicide on your own. Understand what both can look like, and symptoms/signs of each.

  • Do offer to help with everyday tasks.

  • Do extend loose invitations to hang out/try to make plans, even if they’re unlikely to say yes.

  • Do be patient.

  • Do stay in touch.

  • Don’t take things personally.

  • Don’t try to fix them.

  • Don’t give advice.

  • Don’t minimize or compare their experiences.

Resources to Help