Organization & Study Tips

Organization is an important skill you need for school, work, and life in general. Cleaning up your space will save you time because you won’t have to waste time looking for things. Being organized reduces stress and prevents you from feeling overwhelmed by the many tasks you need to do and time commitments you may have. 

Establishing good study and work habits early on is crucial! Learning how to effectively use your time is a skill you will need both in school and in your career. 

Use a planner! You will:

  • Increase productivity 

  • Record your progress

  • Remember important things and see your priorities

  • Be more organized

  • Decrease your stress levels


Study Tips

  1. Turn your phone off or turn on airplane mode. Getting notifications can be very distracting and tempting.

  2. Replace music for instrumental music, like classical, ambience noise, lo-fi, or jazz. Music with lyrics can be distracting.

  3. Set study times, and follow them. Focus during your chosen study times.

  4. Take short breaks and reward yourself when you accomplish something. (No, don’t reward yourself for just writing your name on the paper!) This will reinforce good study habits.

  5. Set realistic goals, and plan how you will achieve those goals. Be sure your study plan is achievable.

Try the Pomodoro Technique when studying.

The Pomodoro Technique is a popular time management technique used to balance focus with deliberate breaks. This study/work hack can increase productivity, limit distractions, and prevent that burnt-out feeling.

  • Set a timer for 25 minutes, and study/work. Turn your phone on airplane mode to eliminate distractions.

  • After the 25 minutes, take a 3-5 minute break. During this time, do not think about studying or working! Relax. Stretch, walk around, get water

  • Repeat.

  • After 4 sessions, take a longer break.

  • Click on the images to the right to download great mobile apps to help you follow the Pomodoro Technique: Focus Keeper, Be Focused

Use Quizlet to make flashcards

Using flashcards is a very effective self-testing approach to studying. With Quizlet, a free app, you can make your own folders and flashcard sets. You can also access other Quizlet user’s flashcards. Quizlet also has various learning tools and study games.

Click here to download the Focus Keeper app.

Click here to download the Focus Keeper app.

Click here to download the Quizlet app.

Click here to download the Quizlet app.

Click here to download the Be Focused app.

Click here to download the Be Focused app.

Try this memorization technique!



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